Before deciding which school administration software you should choose, you should make sure that it meets your school's standards. This means that the functionality offered allows you to perform all the operations of your school for maximum productivity, with minimum wasted effort. This particular quality is found with Tap2Learn. All the features of Tap2Learn have been selected for this purpose. In this article, we're going to show two smart ways that Tap2Learn delivers specific quality to your school.
Do you want to switch from a paper-based grading book to a digital one? Well, even if you haven't yet, knowing all the benefits you will get from using an online teacher registry, like the one we've built into Tap2Learn is worth it.
Do you want a parenting grade book for your school to improve parent engagement? We have what you need. Our student information system, Tap2Learn, can function, among other things, as a grade book of parental notes. By adding student grades to parent records, you save administrators the extra work needed to keep parents up-to-date. But before that, let's see why it's important to involve parents.
It would not be an exaggeration to say that in the absence of an online student information system, schools, academies, and educational institutions seem to operate regularly. In other words, if you stick to still laborious methods and processes, you're probably chasing your tail. There are new ones that can do the job, much better than that.
Are you planning to invest in new student information software for your school soon? If this is the case, you need to make sure that the solution you ultimately choose will have a good return on your investment. And that means your choice will help improve efficiency, increase productivity and meet the needs of all stakeholders; teachers, students, and tutors included. So how do you get there?
Does the time you spend preparing for student assessments and assignments, added to the time you spend assessing student work, make you feel overwhelmed? Why not track student progress with automated scoring and save yourself the hassle of scoring calculations?
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